3 July 2024

Adslot Non-renounceable Entitlement Offer

Dear Shareholder,

As many of you are aware, on June 17 the Company announced a pro-rata, non-renounceable entitlement offer that seeks to raise $2.4M in capital for the Adslot business. This offer is available to all Australian and New Zealand shareholders and entitles holders to acquire 3 new Adslot shares for every 4 shares held at a price of $0.001 per share. All shareholders should have received information from Computershare detailing their entitlements under this offer.

The purpose of this capital raise is twofold. Firstly, this will ensure the Company has an appropriate balance sheet as it enters the 2025 Financial Year. Secondly, it will enable the Company to continue investment in a number of key initiatives that we believe will drive growth in revenue in the years to come. These initiatives include;

  • The innovative br1dge project in the US which was formally launched in the US in early June. Leveraging new workflows on top of the existing Adslot Media infrastructure, br1dge will provide new ways for buyers and sellers to trade audience-enabled media in an environment in which 3rd party cookie depreciation is challenging the whole programmatic media ecosystem.
  • Significant trading opportunities for premium media in the German market. This includes the trading of Connected Television (CTV) inventory in Germany for which the Company has developed a number of specific product capabilities and for which we continue to innovate to add new supply to our marketplace.
  • Agency and Publisher marketplaces in the UK market. This initiative includes trading for established agency partners such as GroupM and increasing demand for publisher-centric marketplaces to assist with their sales efforts.

For those of you who intend to take up their entitlements, the retail component of the offer will close at 5pm (AEST) Monday, 8 July 2024.


Andrew Dyer



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