7 May 2024

Adslot’s Growth Opportunity Amidst the Changing Digital Landscape

Dear Shareholder,

The online advertising industry is in for the bumpiest ride of its 25 years of existence.

The deprecation of 3rd party cookies, which allow buyers to track and manage delivery across websites, is making audience targeting much more difficult. One in 2 ads now do not find their audience (the ‘missing audience’ problem).  A move initiated by Firefox and Apple in 2020, will be completed with Google’s deprecation early next year.

This shift necessitates advertisers to pivot from 3rd party cookies to 1st party data strategies.

By combining Adslot’s direct connection to publisher ad servers with advertiser or agency controlled (and privacy compliant) first-party data, Adslot Media allows advertisers to continue to reach targeted audiences across multiple sites.

Additionally, this also includes management of the frequency of ads to audiences (a cornerstone of advertiser buying strategies) and does this with their consent. This significantly reduces the amount of media wastage that occurs with current industry model.

Adslot has spent over a decade building this technology and related capabilities. We are confident we are now finding product market fit.  For example:

  • Adslot Media is now in its 6th continuous year of use a global mobile specialist media company who has transacted $30m over the platform in that period.
  • Our efforts in Germany continue to accelerate with the recently announced a partnership with NetID. This allows advertisers to leverage1st-party data from its user-controlled data consent platform, to reach audiences in a regulatory compliant manner by creating a ‘virtual walled garden’, encompassing over 50m unique users. A link to some industry coverage of this partnership can be found here (https://www.adzine.de/2024/04/adslot-und-netid-bringen-gemeinsam-intelligenz-ins-i-o-business/).  Note this article is in German and can be easily translated via most browsers such as Chrome.
  • Furthermore, we have also recently released new capabilities for the German market.  These include the ability for users to accurately forecast inventory availability based on highly targeted zip code (geographic) level data. This will accelerate adoption of trading of Connected Television (CTV) in the German market.
  • We have also announced Br1dge, an initiative in the US to adapt our platform to target traditional programmatic audiences more effectively in a regulatory compliant manner.  This also overcomes the ‘missing audience’ phenomenon.
  • Version 1.0 of the Br1dge platform went live last week following 6 months of development effort. This version incorporates new audience centric workflows enabling buyers to identify and target 1st party audiences with a pilot group of premium US based publishers (to be expanded to all Adslot Media publishers over time). We will be officially launching Br1dge at the Digiday Summit on the 15th May.

We look forward to keeping you up to date on further developments as they occur.


Andrew Dyer


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